Whether you cook or simply enjoy a good meal, stains are always on the menu. That’s because no matter how tidy you are, whether it’s a splash of tea, a dollop of balsamic vinegar, milk splotches on baby clothes, or buttery fingerprints on your shirt, accidental spills and messy mishaps are inevitable. While commercial stain removers are effective, many contain harsh chemicals that can be tough on your fabrics and the environment. The good news? We have the eco-friendly methods you need to know to tackle food stains without harming the planet.

How to Remove Coffee and Tea Stains
Tea and coffee stains are notorious for being tough, often staining our favorite mugs, but you don’t need harsh chemicals to remove them. Here’s an eco-friendly method to get rid of tea and coffee stains from your clothes:
Act fast: As soon as you notice the stain, rinse the fabric with cold water to prevent the stain from setting.
Create a baking soda paste: Mix baking soda with a little water to form a paste. Apply this paste to the stained area.
Gently scrub: Use a soft brush or cloth to gently scrub the stain. Let the paste sit for about 15 minutes.
Rinse and launder: Rinse the fabric thoroughly with cold water and then wash as usual using SaltyLama Eco-friendly Laundry Detergent Sheets. These hypoallergenic sheets come pre-measured, which means you never have to second-guess how much detergent to use. Lightweight and space-saving, these laundry sheets come in compostable, biodegradable packaging, which means you’re also reducing plastic waste, making them a must-have when switching to sustainable living. You can also subscribe, ensuring you save money and never run out of detergent again. You can cancel, pause, or skip an order on your subscription whenever you like.
How to Get Rid of Balsamic Vinegar Stains
Rich, zesty Italian-themed dinners may leave your clothes and tablecloths stained if you’re not careful. Here’s how to remove balsamic vinegar naturally:
Blot the stain: Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the stain, removing as much liquid as possible without rubbing it further into the fabric.
Combat vinegar with vinegar: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water. Soak the stained area in this solution for about 30 minutes.
Apply baking soda: After soaking, sprinkle baking soda over the stain and let it sit for another 10 minutes.
Rinse and wash: Rinse with cold water and wash with our eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets. The vinegar and baking soda combination helps break down the stain naturally, leaving you with a freshly laundered, stain-free fabric.
How to Remove Milk from Clothes (Especially on Baby Clothes)
Although milk might not stain your clothes per se, it can leave an unpleasant smell if not treated properly. This is especially common for parents with babies. Here’s an eco-friendly way to handle them:
Rinse immediately: Rinse the stained area with cold water as soon as possible to prevent the milk from curdling and setting into the fabric.
Lemon juice pre-treatment: Apply fresh lemon juice to the stain. The natural acids in the lemon help break down the proteins in the milk.
Soak in saltwater: If there is still a lingering odor, fill a basin with cold water and add a tablespoon of salt. Soak the stained garment for about 30 minutes.
Wash: Wash the fabric with eco-friendly laundry detergent sheets. These sheets are gentle on baby clothes, and safe for both sensitive skin and the environment — the perfect choice for eco-conscious moms.

How to Remove Butter Stains
Butter stains are greasy and can sometimes be tricky to remove. Nonetheless, here’s a sustainable method to tackle them:
Blot excess butter: First, use a paper towel or cloth to blot as much butter as possible without spreading the stain further.
Sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda: For a natural remedy, sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda over the stain to absorb the grease. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then gently brush off the powder.
Dish soap pre-treatment: Apply a small amount of eco-friendly dish soap directly to the stain. Gently rub it in and let it sit for a few minutes. Dish soaps are expertly good at removing grease from clothing.
Rinse and launder: Rinse the material with warm water and wash as normal. The combination of cornstarch and dish soap helps lift the grease from the fabric, so your garment should come out looking fresh and stain-free.

How to Remove Tomato-Based Stains
Mama Mia! Sauce, ketchup, and other tomato-based products can leave impossible stains. But here’s an eco-friendly solution to tackle them:
Blot the stain: Use a paper towel to blot away any excess tomato sauce.
Apply baking soda paste: Mix baking soda with a little water to create a paste. Apply this paste to the stain and let it sit for 15-30 minutes.
Rinse with lemon juice: Rinse the soiled area with cold water mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. The natural acidity of lemon helps dissolve the stain.
Wash as usual: Launder the item in cold water, using SaltyLama detergent sheets.
How to Remove Soy Sauce Stains
Put down the chopsticks and act fast. Soy sauce can stain quickly, but with some swift action, you can make sure this dark blotch isn’t permanent.
Blot the stain: Blot away any excess soy sauce.
Apply vinegar: Pour white vinegar directly onto the stain.
Sprinkle baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda on top of the vinegar and let it settle for about 15 minutes.
Rinse with cold water: Rinse the area with cold water and wash as usual with our eco-friendly laundry sheets.
Despite popular belief, dealing with food stains doesn’t have to mean reaching for harsh chemicals. These eco-friendly cleaning tips not only help you remove stains from your clothes but also make more sustainable choices in your day-to-day life. So, next time you encounter a stubborn food stain, remember these solutions and keep your wardrobe looking fresh and clean, toxin-free!